Call for Paper

International Journal of Economics, Business and Social Science Research (IJEBSSR)

Open Access Publishing

ISSN 3048-8125 


International Journal of Economics, Business and Social Science Research (IJEBSSR) is inviting your articles, review articles, case studies, Conference proceedings, and short communication on all topics of Economics, Business and Social Science. IJEBSSR welcomes quality work that focuses on research, development, and review. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the criteria of significance, academic excellence, and great ideologies. We are looking forward to strict compliance with the modern age standards in all these fields. Authors across the globe are welcome to submit their research papers in the prestigious journal fulfilling the requisite criterion.

International Journal of Economics, Business and Social Science Research (IJEBSSR) invites papers for the VOL-3, ISSUE-1 January – February 2025.

Manuscript /paper submission guideline.

You can submit your manuscript/paper via email

Email: or

Publication Fee: 60 USD

IJEBSSR is a “peer-review” “refereed” and “widely accepted” International journal. It is the committee through which experts in the field of study assess the quality of articles/journals submitted to it for publication. It is an open-access journal that publishes high-quality research articles, in all areas of Economics, Business and Social Science Research.

Included Topics are not limited

Economics: All Related Subjects of Economics.

Business: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Operations Management, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics, Business Law, Information Systems and Technology, Strategic Management, International Business, Organizational Behavior, Supply Chain Management, Risk Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Leadership, Sales, Customer, Service, Project Management, Business Communication, Business Analytics, Innovation and Creativity, Business Negotiation, Business Development And Business Process Improvement.

Social Science: Anthropology (archaeology, cultural, linguistics, social) Economics (microeconomics, macroeconomics) Geography (human, integrative) History (cultural, economic, military, political, social) Law (jurisprudence, legal history, legal systems) Political science (international relations, psychology, public administration, public policy) Psychology (abnormal, biological, cognitive, developmental, personality, social) Sociology (criminology, demography, internet, rural, urban) Anthrozoology, Area studies, Business studies, Cognitive science, Communication studies, Community studies, Cultural studies, Development studies, Education Environmental (social science studies) Food studies, Gender studies, Global Studies, History of technology, Human ecology, Information science, International studies, Media studies, Philosophy of science (economics, history, psychology, social science) Planning(land use, regional, urban) Political ecology, Political economy, Public health, Regional science, Science and technology studies, Science studies (historical), Social work.