About the Journal
The IJEBSSR is a worldwide open-access publisher serving the academic research community by launching peer-reviewed journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. As an international academic organization for researchers & scientists, we aim to provide researchers, writers, academic professors, and students with the most advanced research achievements in a broad range of areas, and to facilitate the academic exchange between them. Compliant with open access policies, published materials can be copied and distributed without obtaining permission as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given. We are committed to the advancement of science and its applications through our publications. At IJEBSSR Research Publishing, we want to ensure that your publishing experience goes as smoothly as possible so that you can focus on what really counts.
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IJEBSSR is committed to maintaining the highest quality original research materials. All papers accepted for publication will be subjected to a rigorous peer review. Any papers suspected of plagiarism, falsification, and inauthentic authorship will never be published.